Faster! Run faster!
A New Comedy
by Sam Havens
When comedians Dunlavy and Tice are fired from their nightclub gig, they find a job helping sell a new home. But their boss, the ever-cruel, Portia Fern-Neville Berryhill, makes their lives crazy. The plot turns upside-down when our boys meet a couple of cute girls, Amy and Miriam. And then Prince Cassimer Vershun shows up to view the house and confuse everyone. It's way-over-the-top comedy with three swinging doors, foam bats, silly string, nutty songs, and audience participation.
Four men, three women two acts and a single, very busy setting.
For a PDF script: [email protected]
Four men, three women two acts and a single, very busy setting.
For a PDF script: [email protected]